Houston Heights Overview

Min Rent:

No of Apartments:
41 Homes

public Building:
Metro Rail Art Museums

Major Freeways:

Herman Park

public Parks:
No Data

Description apt

Heights Library Because of the drivercentric set up of the Houston heights there are not any metro rails that run directly through it. Quick access to the HOV lane can get you un interrupted from independence heights to downtown. Heights Mercantile is technically a private development but has the look and feel of a public place. Houston Heights is known for its food, and Heights Mercantile is no different. Using modern architecture Plaza open eating spaces and beautiful architecture make perfect ambiance for a place to spend a day. Also along the hiking trail it is easily accessible and creates a sustainable feel.

Shepard stretches north to south all the way from independence heights at the intersection of 610 all the way down to I10, ON this road you can see major Houston signature restaurants including katz, burger joint, fat cat, creamery and even a new HEB. TC Jester a beautiful diagonally running road that runs along a bayou park,this less densely packed part of the heights but has recently seen many new additions including bars and nightlife Heights Boulevard Is the name sake of the white oak bayou bayou green trail and is central to the eastern part of the heights and also has many scenic sculptures and monuments.

Houston Heights covers much more area than others in houston. As a result the Houston heights is much more densely populated than other neighborhoods in the loop. With more space it allows for a lower paid premium on parking. This is good because you may be more car dependent living in the heights than other neighborhoods. Parking, visitor parking, and free street parking are all in supply.

Houston Heights is known for its neighborhood feel, but there are still opportunities to go out and about. Houston Heights offers hiking and biking trails that run through parts of the neighborhood. Running down Nicholis street down all the way down to MKT trail that runs along I10 White oak bayou bayou green trail this trail runs all the way from bayou buffalo bayou through the market trail and then along TC jester past 610 where it combines with TC jester park in timbergrove. This trail is completely separated from the roadway allowing for maximum comfort for bikers and walker commuting down that way

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